Understanding ASP.NET Core Web API Return Types and Status Codes

ASP.NET Core Web API is a popular framework for building RESTful web services. One of the most important aspects of building a Web API is understanding how to create appropriate HTTP responses. In this tutorial, we will explore the different return types and status codes available in ASP.NET Core Web API and how to use them effectively.

Return Types

When creating an action method in a Web API controller, you can specify the return type of the method. The return type determines the format of the HTTP response body. Here are some common return types in ASP.NET Core Web API:

  1. IActionResult: IActionResult is an interface that represents an action result. It is the most flexible return type in ASP.NET Core Web API because it allows you to return different types of action results. Here are some examples of action results that implement the IActionResult interface:
    • OkResult: Returns a 200 OK status code and an empty response body.
    • BadRequestResult: Returns a 400 Bad Request status code and an empty response body.
    • NotFoundResult: Returns a 404 Not Found status code and an empty response body.
    • ObjectResult: Returns a 200 OK status code and a serialized object in the response body.
  2. ActionResult<T>: ActionResult<T> is a generic interface that represents an action result that produces a response of type T. It is a more specific version of IActionResult that allows you to return a serialized object of type T in the response body. Here are some examples of action results that implement the ActionResult<T> interface:
    • OkObjectResult: Returns a 200 OK status code and a serialized object of type T in the response body.
    • BadRequestObjectResult: Returns a 400 Bad Request status code and a serialized object of type T in the response body.
    • NotFoundObjectResult: Returns a 404 Not Found status code and a serialized object of type T in the response body.
  3. IAsyncEnumerable<T>: IAsyncEnumerable<T> is an interface that represents an asynchronous stream of elements of type T. It is useful for returning large datasets that cannot be loaded into memory all at once. Here's an example of how to use IAsyncEnumerable<T> in a Web API action method:
public async IAsyncEnumerable<Customer> GetCustomers()
    await foreach (var customer in _customerRepository.GetCustomersAsync())
        yield return customer;

Status Codes

HTTP status codes are three-digit numbers that indicate the result of an HTTP request. Here are some common status codes in ASP.NET Core Web API:

  1. 200 OK: The 200 OK status code indicates that the request was successful and the response contains the requested data.
  2. 201 Created: The 201 Created status code indicates that the request was successful and a new resource has been created. The response should include a Location header that specifies the URI of the new resource.
  3. 400 Bad Request: The 400 Bad Request status code indicates that the request was invalid or malformed. The response should include an error message that explains the problem.
  4. 401 Unauthorized: The 401 Unauthorized status code indicates that the request requires authentication. The response should include a WWW-Authenticate header that specifies the authentication scheme.
  5. 404 Not Found: The 404 Not Found status code indicates that the requested resource could not be found.
When to Use Which Return Type in ASP.NET Core

Choosing the appropriate return type depends on the specific requirements of the action method being implemented:

  • Use IActionResult or ActionResult<T> for actions that might return different types of responses.
  • Return specific result types when the response is known and fixed.
  • Use primitive or complex types for simple data-returning actions.
  • Return void or Task for actions that do not need to return data.
  • Use Task<IActionResult> or Task<ActionResult<T>> for asynchronous operations needing flexibility in response types.


Understanding how to use different return types and status codes in ASP.NET Core Web API is essential.

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